AdelFi Banking #ChristianFinance

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Disclosure: This sponsored post is brought to you by AdelFi Banking. Opinions shared are mine.

My teen son recently asked how he could cash out the change in his piggy bank — he said he had “a lot” so I was thinking it would necessitate a trip to the bank. When he took it out and counted, though, it added up to around $7.50. At first, I kind of laughed to myself and thought that it wasn’t worth messing with. Then I realized that ANY amount of money is enough be a learning tool, and a way to open the doors of conversation about using money to help himself and others. If you’re curious about learning how money can work for you, check out AdelFi Bank. Adelfi partners with its clients to develop their financial resources while also supporting Christian-aligned causes.

I really appreciate AdelFi’s efforts to support Christian businesses and organizations. Everyone needs a bank, and it’s wonderful to know that AdelFi provides a way for Christians to use their money to help spread God’s word even beyond the traditional passing of an offering plate or an envelope with a charitable donation. Interestingly, AdelFi makes it possible to support the Christian mission with every bank transaction by giving back 10% of its profits each year to support Christian organizations. They call this “recycling Christian dollars” which I think is super creative.

Christian banking isn’t something I’ve considered before. I guess in my mind, the two don’t really go together for some reason. At first, I expected to find that there would be fewer services or options open through a Christian credit union. While AdelFi is a not-for-profit credit union, from what I can tell it’s very similar to other banks in what it offers its members.

Several things stand out to me from these options. First, the idea of free ATM withdrawals is a huge bonus. I don’t carry much cash with me, and rarely go into a store where I can use the cash-out feature at checkout. Being able to use an ATM with no fee is a nice perk. When ordering online or at restaurants, we frequently use Apple Pay so that is another great feature. Finally, online bill pay is a no-brainer. Saving time and money, plus not having to keep up with the rising cost of stamps, makes this a super option as well.

If you’re curious to know more about the way AdelFi recycles 10% of its profits, scroll down to the bottom of the homepage. It provides ministry grants and missionary supports. You’ll also get to see some member testimonies.

Additionally, check out AdelFi’s blog! There are some informative articles about money management, teaching kids about money, and how Christian values align with banking.

So, I’m now thinking about how I can best guide my son with that $7ish he counted out on the kitchen table. It’s about time that he has his own debit card and is able to manage his money on his own to some degree. I checked out AdelFi’s youth accounts and found that a “Flying Start” Youth Account can be started with just $5. There are no monthly fees or minimum balance requirements, and parents have access to monitor their child’s spending. Sounds like AdelFi is just the tool a parent needs! No worries if your child is a lot younger than 13 years old… the “early Start” Youth Account is targeted to ages 0-7 years. The bank page explains that these accounts can help children learn about responsible debit card ownership and that “card purchases” equal real money. For tweens, safe online purchasing and ATM practice is explained. Sounds like AdelFi has covered all the bases with money introduction!

What would you like to learn about AdelFi?

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