Archives for September 2014

In the Cool World of a 10 year old girl

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission.

How can these tiny feet fit in my shoes?!
Just in case you didn’t know, 10 year old girls are super cool. They know what fashion is, they know how to rock it, and my daughter has just decided that she is going to enforce those fashion rules. We have a slight problem. She is already as tall as me and can wear my shoes! She was a preemie for goodness sake.  When I think of her first shoes, I remember them being so small that the newborn socks fell off her feet!  How did this happen so quickly? I have nail polish older than her, and she’s able to wear my clothes?! [Read more…]

If the shoe fits, BUY IT — especially because it helps a good cause! #FashionProject

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Fashion Project. I am not an affiliate; the opinions shared here are 100% mine.

#FashionProject picks help a good cause!

Back in the olden days before online sales and discount codes, my friends and I had a little secret.  We shopped at a boutique consignment store that specialized in high-end brands.  Twice a year, the owner traveled to Atlanta, Charlotte, and NYC to find fabulous deals on designer clothing.  She brought them down to her little shop and mailed out special invitation postcards to invite her customers to the event.  She walled up the store for 3 days in preparation.  On the day of the sale, women waited outside the door for hours to get in.  My sister and I were loyal customers; we raced in and grabbed clothes off the racks to try on.  We shared many a dressing room in the frenzy of the designer deals.  Sadly, that little boutique closed down once people could shop online.  While the discounts online might be steep, it’s still hard to find designer items at bargain-shopper prices.  Then I stumbled upon Fashion Project.  Dear friends, I am sharing this juicy secret with YOU!  [Read more…]

Need labels that really stand out? Check out Kidecals + DISCOUNT

Disclosure: I received product samples. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.
Kidecals really stand out -

So by now you’ve figured out that I’m a bit of a label junkie. It’s always been that way! Even as a kid, I used to order stickers and labels with my name on it. Maybe it stems from the fact that my name was spelled weird and nothing was ever pre-printed with the correct spelling. These days, it’s simple to personalize custom labels. However, there is a ubiquitous theme with many label companies of cutesy and basic fonts. When Kidecals gave me the opportunity to try some of their products, I was impressed by the variety and unique look of the products they offer. [Read more…]

Sensitive teeth, watch out! Sensi-Stop is here to save the day.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Crest. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Do you avoid ice cream because of tooth sensitivity?

This lovely dessert is from one of our Disney World trips.  Unfortunately, I avoid all ice cream or cold desserts.  Everyone seems shocked when I decline an offer of ice cream. How can someone avoid such a delicious treat? It’s not that I don’t like the taste of ice cream, because I do. I even love the melty way it fills my mouth with a clean, cool sensation. Unfortunately that sensation turns into pain when the coldness reaches my teeth. For years I’ve avoided ice cream because my teeth are so sensitive to hot and cold foods. Can you relate?

I’m thrilled that new Crest Sensi-Stop Strips are available at Walmart. Crest Sensi-Stop Strips use a new breakthrough technology to provide shoppers with tooth sensitivity relief that goes on in an easy strip. This is not a paste, people! The strips are easy to place with no measuring or guesswork required. Using one Crest Sensi-Stop Strip for just ten minutes can lead to up to one whole month of protection. [Read more…]

Sulan book review and tour + giveaway

Disclosure: I received this book to review. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Sulan - reviewed at

Welcome to the Sulan Blog Tour!  I was really excited to read this book because it has so many cool facets to the plot.  Dystopian, virtual world with some gutsy teens plus a government conspiracy in the works.  It’s all so interesting!  Sulan is a short book, too; easily finished in one day.  The basics of the story remind me a little bit of Divergent.   Much of it seems realistic even in today’s world view.  In light of the recent terrorist killings and political unrest, the world of Sulan Hom isn’t completely far from the truth.  The gap between the rich and the poor is much more exaggerated than in today’s world, but it’s definitely a vision that could come to light.  The cyber-aspect of Vex is really unique and made the story more interesting.  I liked the character dynamic in this story; it kept things moving at an appropriate pace.    [Read more…]

I’m a fashion visionary!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I received product to review. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.


Borrowed pic from internet!

The weekend brought many fun things to my doorstep. For one thing, we got to spend it with my favorite niece and nephew ever. We tanked them out with fun times and then fed them til they were stuffed. When my kids fell asleep in the car on the way home, I thought they were just worn out from the excitement. Sadly, no. They had succumbed to a yucky virus. My son recovered by Monday morning but my daughter is still under the weather. Two doctor’s visits later, she’s still not well but at least she’s not sleeping 24/7 like she was. The poor thing said to me this morning, “Mom, I think the dog is wheezing!” Misery loves company, right? I’ve been tiptoeing around the house trying not to wake her up. It’s not like her to sleep during the day, ever, so her body must really need the sleep. In keeping myself occupied during her naps, I’ve finished a couple of good books and got my nails painted! [Read more…]

Because We Can Giveaway Hop — Enter to win a Staples gift card

Just Because #giveaway hop -- enter to win a $25 Staples gift card!

Welcome to the #JustBecause We Can Giveaway Hop. This event is hosted by The Hopping Bloggers and Up All Night Blogging! We are a group of bloggers that specialize in giveaway hops.  Everyone likes to win something, right?  Stay with us and you will have many chances to win some amazing prizes! Each blogger participating in this hop has a giveaway with a prize value of at least $20 – and some are much more than that! Be sure to visit them all – there is no limit to how many prizes you can win! Good Luck and Have Fun!

Our sponsor for this giveaway is Staples.  One lucky reader will win a $25 gift card! [Read more…]

The Resurrection of Hannah by Kathryne Arnold

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review. The opinions shared here are 100% mine. The post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission.
“The Resurrection of Hannah is the story of a woman whose path is forever altered, her first tentative step leading to an astonishing life journey. As the story develops, Samantha is torn between the polarities of everyday existence ―between present and past, love and fear, hope and despair—finding herself unable to exist in two very different worlds, she must go full circle to find her way home. The Resurrection of Hannah was inspired by true events, the first in what I believe is a unique series full of gripping plots, memorable characters and unanticipated bends in the road. ” – Kathryne Arnold, author 
I’ve wondered many times about past lives and alternate universes.  Maybe that’s why the series Fringe was so fascinating to me.  I loved watching the X Files and Lost.  In The Resurrection of Hannah the division between two worlds gradually comes to a close.

[Read more…]

Bloominous is a budget friendly way to fill your event with flowers

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Bloominous.  I received compensation for this post. #ad Check out these savings on wedding flowers! Back in 1998, my husband and I had a budget-friendly wedding on a college student income.  My mom pitched in what she could, but I scrimped and stretched every penny so that I could give most of her money back to her.  Our wedding was very simple, from a plain white wedding cake decorated with fresh daisies to a dress made by a seamstress.  There are things I’d change if I could do it again, but one thing that would stay the same would be my flowers.  My friend Mindy obtained dozens of fresh daisies for me and we used them all over the sanctuary to create a bright, clean look.  My mom started growing an ivy plant months in advance so that I’d have green tendrils to accent my bouquet.   It was lovely and sweet. If you don’t have friends in the flower business, nor a mom who has a green thumb, just check out Bloominous.    [Read more…]

September Release Giveaway featuring Joyful

Disclosure: I received this book to review. The post and giveaway form contain affiliate links; opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Enter the September New Release #giveaway for a chance to win Joyful --->

Welcome to the September New Release Giveaway Hop! This event is hosted by Book Nerd.  Now that fall is in the air and the days are getting shorter, I’ve been curling up to read more often.  One of the books that delighted my heart was Joyful by Shelley Shepard Gray.  One lucky reader will win a copy!

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