Gift giving made easy (and get $15 credit!) at #Omax300 + giveaway

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored post; the opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Get $15 in-store credit when you buy $300 in Visa® Gifts at Office Max (6/22 through 6/29) #Omax300 #ad   Once upon a time my kids were happy with the smallest things in life.  At Christmas or at birthdays, my daughter asked for only one gift and it was usually something very small (like a pack of markers).  As time goes on, she’s still asking for only one thing but it’s often quite expensive.  Ipads, laptops, and such don’t come cheap.  When my husband’s nephew graduated this year, it was hard to know what he needs. We live 7 hours away from him so we really don’t know what items he already has.  Since he’s heading for college in the fall, we knew that he would need things for his dorm room.  We decided the best thing to give would be money.  He’ll be able to prioritize and pick out exactly what he wants.  As the saying goes, it’s better to give than to receive, but what if you don’t have to choose between the two?  We don’t expect him to give anything back, but it’s nice that OfficeMax will! From 6/22/14 through 6/29/14 when you purchase $300 in Visa® gift cards at OfficeMax, you’ll get $15 in store credit to use on anything in the store! The Visa® gift cards can be used anywhere Visa® gift cards are accepted. Save them for back-to-school clothes for the kids. Visa® gift cards are perfect for any occasion, so keep them in your gift closet to pull out at Christmas or birthdays. You could also use them to buy groceries this month. Consider spending the OfficeMax in-store credit on items you’d buy anyway, such as toilet paper or school supplies. How would you spend $300 in Visa® gift cards? I’m sure our recent high school grad could find a few ways! Share this post with your besties so they can get that $15, too!


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