10 reasons to make a list

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With so many things going on each day in a busy mom’s life, it’s important to try to organize your thoughts and errands.   I LOVE making lists and have a little notebook where I keep track of all my to-do’s,  grocery needs, chores around the house, plants to get for the garden…….all kinds of things.  Checking things off a list is so gratifying for me…..I’ve even been known to add something to a list just so that I can check it off.  So cheesy!

Reasons to make a list:

  1. Organization is a mom’s best friend.
  2. You’ll spend less on impulse purchases.
  3. You’ll save more for the things you want.
  4. You can send your husband to the store and he might get the things you asked for.
  5. You can blame it on the list when the kids want to buy something extraneous (Oh sorry, it’s not on the list.)
  6. You won’t forget something while you’re out and start grinding your teeth at night.
  7. Your sanity will thank you.
  8. You can use up those pens that reproduce in your junk drawer.
  9. Checking something off the list makes you feel like you accomplished something.
  10. It gives you a good excuse to buy cute paper.


So for the cute paper bit, I want to share a great site with adorable paper products.  Have you seen Rifle Paper Company?   It’s one of the most elegant stationary choices around.  Their paper quality is amazing and I love the vintage-style prints.    Writing a hand-written note to say thank you or I miss you is one of my favorite ways to keep in touch.  I love interesting products like those from Rifle Paper to make my notes stand out.

I received a beautiful journal and notepad from Rifle Paper Company.  The journal is really beautiful quality with sewn binding and delicate flowers printed on the front.  The notepad is quirky and fun.  It makes a cute place to jot a note or make a list. 🙂

You can hang out with the Rifle Paper Company folks on Twitter.
(Disclosure: I received product samples for this review. The opinions are 100% mine.)






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