Doctor On Demand makes housecalls — or soccer game calls, vacation calls, whatever you need

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This post is brought to you by Doctor on Demand.  The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever avoided going to the doctor because ……

a) You didn’t have time. 

b)  You didn’t want to be exposed to germs in the waiting room. 

c)  You knew that the bill would be triple digits and you just didn’t have the cash. 

d)  You couldn’t find anyone to watch your kids so you could go. 

Every one of those reasons applied to me at one time or another.  Medical care can be so expensive and inconvenient but when you throw in an extra snag like childcare, it’s almost impossible to obtain.   What if you had a doctor at your disposal, waiting for you on the other end of your phone?  Wishing for the good old days when the doctor made housecalls?  This is the next best thing.  Doctor On Demand is a free app that you can download and use right away.  No need to take a sick day hoping to be worked into the doctor’s busy schedule.   No waiting for the Triage nurse to call you back.  No appointments to make (or forget).  No worries about the insurance company rejecting your claim.  This service is a dream come true for the busy mom!  Download the free app now so you don’t have to look for it when you really do have a need.  It’s available in the iTunes App Store and on Google Play  — Register for free and use code SIS14 to receive $10 off your first Doctor on Demand call!  Read on for a chance to win a $200 gift card, plus a code to use at Doctor On Demand!  Download the free Doctor on Demand app today!  #ad USE CODE SIS14 to save $10

The service providers at Doctor On Demand are board certified and US licensed.  They bring their years of experience and expertise to video chat with you, helping you to get much-needed medical attention at YOUR convenience.  The doctors been cleared through background checks; after all, you don’t need to worry about that!  You pay a reasonable $40 for the service.  Many people have a co-pay higher than that through their insurance!  I’ve actually fallen asleep in the doctor’s waiting room when I had a bad case of bronchitis.  With Doctor On Demand, I can stay home and even video chat from my bed if needed.  What a relief!  As a side note, it’s kind of cool that Dr. Phil is an advisor and his son, Jay McGraw is a co-founder of Doctor On Demand.  Jay McGraw is Emmy Award-winning creator and executive producer of the popular show The Doctors.

I called Doctor On Demand to get help with a minor issue that I experienced.  The setup is super simple.  I registered, added in a few notes about my problem, submitted my payment info, and clicked submit.   It took a few tries to connect with a doctor, but since I was calling on a Sunday morning I wondered if there just wasn’t someone scheduled at that time.  When I called back around 1 PM, the app located a doctor within seconds.

Download the free Doctor on Demand app today!  #ad USE CODE SIS14 to save $10

The doctor listened to my symptoms, took a look at my injury, then told me how treatment could be offered.  Her diagnosis was similar to what I expected; she offered to call in a prescription for me as well.  The entire call took just a few minutes; I even had some time remaining.  When I finished the call, I was offered $10 off my next call.  Sweet!  This is a service I’d certainly use again.  While it’s not the same as having your own personal doctor who is familiar with your background, it’s definitely convenient.

Doctor On Demand would be especially helpful in cases when  you don’t have your own doctor nearby.  We’ve needed a doctor’s advice several times when on vacation. With this app, you don’t have to worry about staying in network or having the correct forms submitted to your insurance.  A $40 straight payment is so much easier than dealing with all that headache when you’re away from home!   After the call, you’ll be prompted to complete a survey about your experience.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t often get asked to provide feedback at my regular doctor’s office.  It was nice to have my feedback valued.

Download the free Doctor on Demand app today!  #ad USE CODE SIS14 to save $10

Use your common sense when using the Doctor On Demand service.  Clearly if it’s a situation for which you’d typically visit the ER, you should go with that choice.  Refer to the list below for specific issues.  I’m not a doctor and cannot provide you with medical expertise; however, I think most people can discern an emergency from a minor event.

  • Use Doctor On Demand for –
    • cold, cough, flu, allergies
    • Rash, Pink eye, hayfever
    • Asthma, bladder infections
    • pediatric questions
    • most cases that are not life threatening
    • prescriptions refills
    • referral to a specialist
  • Do not use Doctor On Demand for any medical problem that is life-threatening
    • chest pain/pressure
    • poisoning
    • seizures
    • serious head, neck or back injury
    • broken bone

Connect with Doctor On Demand on Facebook and Twitter.

We would like to celebrate the fact that you can now talk to a board certified doctor (on demand!) from the comfort of your own home, thanks to the Doctor On Demand app…. with a great giveaway.

Enter the giveaway for Doctor on Demand at #ad


The $200 Target Gift Card Giveaway will end on July 22nd. It is open to US residents, 18+ only. Please use the Giveaway Tools Form below to enter! Good Luck!


Disclosures: The participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment. Giveaway is open to US residents, age 18+ only. The giveaway will close at 11:59PM EST on 7/22/14. One winner will be selected randomly from all eligible entries. If you have any questions about this giveaway or would like to inquire about group events like this, please contact the Blogging Mamas Network at


Check this out….


  1. jenn huey says

    what a brilliant idea, I would $40 not to sit in a waiting room full of sick kids

    • Absolutely! I am positive that my kids catch other bugs while they’re waiting in the doctor’s office.

  2. While I must stress the importance of regular check-ups, as a three-time cancer survivor, I applaud anything that will motivate people to seek answers to their health issues. Technology at work for good. I like it!

  3. I recently tried this service and loved it! So convenient and affordable. The doctor was great too. I’m definitely using this the next time me or my kids are sick.

    • Yes — soooo convenient. The $40 is only a little higher than my normal copay and it’s nice not to worry about getting the kids out of the house when they’re already feeling bad.

  4. I love this idea! There are so many times when you wonder if you should go to a doctor or if it’s really nothing. With this app, I can know for sure.

  5. What a great idea. There have been so many times when I’ve felt just miserable, and it took everything I had just to get to the doctor. It would’ve been so much nicer to use the app and get a diagnosis from home.

  6. This app could be a game changer for my family. It would be so great to use the on-call app to have my kids seen by a doctor for a cold, flu, or other minor ailment when they’re feeling too bad to leave the house.

  7. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says

    I am going to need to try this. What an amazing time saver.

  8. This would be GREAT for traveling. I think they should add a feature where either you can try to access the same doctor again, OR a feature that allows our regular dr to participate, maybe just during certain hours. I’d love to avoid driving to the dr’s office for simple things.

  9. Oh, this would have really come in handy when I was on vacation a few years ago. I hurt my back and it was a nightmare trying to find a doctor who would see me right away! We are going on a trip in September and it will be great having this resource!

  10. I absolutely love the idea of Doctor On Demand! I have stayed away from the Dr so many times because I knew the appointment would be expensive and we didn’t have the cash at the time; or because I just didn’t have anyone to watch the kids.

  11. Interesting concept.

  12. Very cool thing! I love this idea.

  13. This is just way too awesome. I love this idea… I hate waiting in line and this would be really helpful!

  14. That is so awesome to know – especially when we travel

  15. That is awesome that you can do this from home, I love this idea.

  16. How useful. I just never have the time to go the Doc, unless i’m on my death bed!

  17. Whoa, I had no idea that this was a real service!! I was just joking around on Facebook a while back that we needed a virtual doctor!

  18. That is a great idea! My kids were always sick growing up, I definitely would have used this to get answers when those times when I knew what they had wasn’t serious!

  19. What a great service!! I can see how this would be handy too if you lived a ways from town too!

  20. I dread going to the doctor, because it’s just so inconvenient. I’m a stay-at-home Mom without a car, or a babysitter, so this would be perfect for me!

  21. Yes! Yes! Yes! This is awesome and I want to utilize this service every chance I get!

  22. It’s comforting to be able to get some expert advice right away. It seems like when you need the advice, your doctor’s office hours are long closed.

  23. This is a really good idea. I am curious as to how it works in person, I will have to try it out!

  24. I can’t think of a million instances where I needed a doctor on demand. With 4 boys running around and another on the way we visit the doctors a lot.

  25. This is a great service for times when you just do not have time to visit your doctor!! I love how easy it is to use.

  26. I have heard about this a few times. It seems perfect.


  1. […] can check out my full review of Doctor on Demand to see how my experience […]

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