Archives for February 2013

On My Bookshelf: Fear Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate

Postpone worry?  Using surfer phrases to get you through the day?  Starve your triggers?

Do these sound like the kind of pep-talk lines that you’re used to hearing?  Not me.  In fact, I had to read some of those tips twice to make sure that I understood them correctly.  I received this book to review and it was just what I needed that day. I do tend to be a worrier, even over things that I can’t control, so the idea of putting off that worry is completely difficult for me.  Like a true friend, Debora Coty isn’t afraid to give her readers a swift kick in the hiney to remind them that God’s the boss.  Coty shares heartfelt stories like the one about her friend Debbie who prayed for a turkey and ended up with a freezer full of meat.  Reading that story made me want to go out and buy someone a turkey! [Read more…]

Fashion Friday is coming up at Cents of Style: Sponsor Spotlight

I am so sorry that I missed posting last week’s Fashion Friday. It was a great deal on a headband/earrings set and it sold out really quickly. This week I am excited to share the current deal with you!  Fashion Friday- 3/1/13- Sunglasses & Earrings- $11.95 & FREE SHIPPING with code SUNNY  — this cute set is totally adorable.  At just $6 per item shipped, I am definitely taking advantage of this. The regular price for these two items would be $29.95, so it’s a savings of over 60% if you’re in the market for some fun new spring accessories.  It would make such a cute secret pal gift for spring, don’t you think?   If you’ve got some Easter baskets to fill, this might be a way to save while getting the hard-to-earn squeals from those teens.  There are hundreds of combos you could put together….25 different style/colors in earrings and 15 different style/colors in sunglasses are in stock for this deal!

Here is a sample of the ever so cute sunglasses:

Fashion Friday- 3/1/13- Sunglasses & Earrings- $11.95 & FREE SHIPPING with code SUNNY [Read more…]

Spring Fever Giveaway Event featuring Almondina cookies


Welcome to the Spring Fever Event hosted by Andersons Angels and Joy of Momma Joyner. This event features a little bit of everything to help you need to help welcome spring! Each blog gathered up a unique Prize Package of $25 or more.  Be sure to visit each blog from the linky below and enter for your chance to win some really amazing prizes! This event will end on March 15th at 11:59pm EST.

 Almondina offered to bless one lucky US Savings in Seconds reader with a prize pack of these delicious cookies.  Before trying this sample pack, I had never heard of Almondina.  I’m excited to see that several stores in my area sell this yummy brand because I’ll definitely be buying them from now on.    The flavor variety was really impressive, including unique flavors like ginger and pumpkin.  Of course I expected the original flavor, because it highlights the almond.  This flavor ended up being my absolute favorite.   I’m really looking forward to trying the chocolate dipped variety…I know that one might just send me over the edge, but I cannot resist.  [Read more…]

Happy tie shopping


I don’t know why my husband doesn’t enjoy shopping for ties.  Since he wears a tie every day, I would think he’d be thrilled to have an opportunity to spruce things up a bit with his ONE accessory.  After all, a crisp white shirt doesn’t exactly scream personality!!   Alas, he’s completely boring when it comes to shopping.  He’ll find the right size and then scoop up every available color in that size.  Shopping trip over.  Can you imagine?!   It’s my mission to provide him with a variety of attractive ties in colors and designs that make even the dullest “jumpsuit” (as he calls it) look like a must-have outfit. [Read more…]

#LoveEveryMinute of mealtime

Growing up in an Asian home was a delicious treat.  We always had rice at mealtimes.  Always.  Every single meal included a side of rice.  Some people remember having turkey every Thanksgiving; I remember having rice.  When I went off to college, I seriously missed having rice available 24/7.  As a newlywed, I prepared rice often for my husband.  When my kids came along, it became harder to get home-cooked meals on the table in between school, extracurricular activities, and bedtime.   For several years we resorted to fast food meals and take out; however, in 2013 we decided to make a concerted effort to cook at home.  Every meal is prepared at home except for an occasional special meal out.   You know how busy life can be; my family is sometimes lucky to get some canned tomato soup at mealtimes when we’re in a major rush.

Well, mother knows best.  Like my mom, I’ve incorporated rice into our meal rotations.  Whether we eat it steamed, fried, or as a mix-in, rice is an easy ingredient to include in our menu.   For example, earlier this week I made Italian chicken and was in a pinch for a good side dish.  I stole a few ingredients that were already in my fridge as part of another recipe and tossed them in with some quick-cook rice to make a super easy, delicious side dish.  In fact, my kids ate most of the rice dish before I even plated it!  This recipe is easy and convenient to double the recipe to suit your needs.  If you don’t like the veggies I used, or if you have others on hand (fresh from your garden would be even better!) feel free to change it up. [Read more…]

Adding lighting, windows, and more to my home… it in the cards?

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by a sponsor. Opinions shared are mine.

I’m in the mood to spruce up my nest.  No, I’m not nesting.  It’s just that the recent sunshine has me all geared up to prettify my space.

When I come across lighting on sale in the home improvement store, it makes my wheels turn! I start thinking of all the projects I want to start and imagining how light fixtures can just transform a room.  Now that there are so many cost-effective alternatives to incandescent light bulbs, I’m really interested in learning more about ways to decorate my home with attractive light fixtures.   When we first purchased our home, we noticed that there were many outdated light fixtures installed in our house.   We started replacing them one at a time until we were happy with the results.  In fact, I even gave away one of our vintage kitchen lights in a white elephant gift exchange!  Pretty hilarious when I look back on that.   So many new options are available just ten years later that I’m starting to think about doing another update.   We currently have track lighting in two rooms and some pretty pendant lights over the kitchen island.   We only have lamps in the master bedroom and they’re rarely used.   I think our living room needs some floor lamps, and we’re thinking about maybe putting some wall sconces near our front door.  These are affordable options that can be a DIY weekend project for my main squeeze over his spring break, don’t you think? [Read more…]

Deals at One Kings Lane (for the design impaired like me)

Starting today, the Safavieh Event at One Kings Lane is launching! Safavieh is an ever stylish home furnishing brand and right now they’re offering incredible deals on so many of their products! With spring time around the corner, this is the perfect time to freshen up your home for the brighter days ahead.  I’m always in the mood to make my home that little bit nicer.  It’s so easy with  One Kings Lane — they have stylish lamps, colorful rugs, beautiful armchairs and ornate side tables (to name a few items)  all discounted so everyone can feel stylish in their home!!  Since I’m not exactly design-savvy, having these collections makes it super easy to choose the perfect pieces. [Read more…]

Leap Into Books Giveaway event: Feb. 28-March 7, Win a copy of Safe in His Arms by Colleen Coble

Welcome to the Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop, co-hosted by I Am A Reader Not A Writer and Jinky is Reading! This event will take place from February 28th to March 7th.

Savings in Seconds is excited to share with you another book from Litfuse Publicity.   The first Colleen Coble book I read was Tidewater Inn. It was filled with intrigue and mystery, something that I really enjoy reading in a clean Christian fiction book.  The next Colleen Coble book I enjoyed was Secretly Smitten.  I loved the way that the characters felt so real to me, like old friends that I was catching up with.   So even though I haven’t read Safe in His Arms , I’m excited that one lucky Savings in Seconds reader will get the chance to do so!  Check out Colleen Coble’s website and tell me which of her books you’d like to read! [Read more…]

Another sale at Tea Collection….love the Buy 3 Get 1 Free deals!

Fabulous sale alert! Starting today, through Wednesday, February 27thTea Collection is offering you the chance to buy 3 separates and get the 4th free on select styles with promo code 4FUN.  I love deals like that because I have a hard time choosing just one or two…..having multiple tops to go with a pair of shorts makes it so easy to stretch the wardrobe!  When I take advantage of an offer like this, I try to stay around the same price point for all items to get the maximum benefit.  Pay attention to the 3+1 icon for participating styles. Stock up on comfortable and durable pants for boys, or mix and match adorable girls’ tops and bottoms for endless outfit combinations. Don’t miss your chance to take advantage of this amazing sale from Tea Collection! Happy Shopping!



Affordable, educational app for kids

I’ve been teaching 6th graders for more years than I care to admit.   It’s amazing how much technology has changed since I started teaching.  When math games and other grade-appropriate websites started popping up, I eagerly passed along the info to grateful parents.  Finally kids had somewhere to go for extra help.

Our school system recently started a “Bring Your Own Device” initiative….basically, kids are allowed and encouraged to bring their Kindles, iPads, or other devices to class and use those devices for educational purposes.  It’s a win-win situation most of the time.  It makes the classroom more technology-friendly.  Using devices in class is a major motivator for many students.  It’s also a great benefit to teachers who often have limited resources.  My students tell each other about helpful apps that make learning fun.  This is an app that I’ll be sharing with them!  The iTooch app from eduPad is a great resource for elementary and middle school students who need extra practice.  I previewed the middle school app to see how my students might benefit from it.  Even better, these apps are FREE for the basic versions.  This is a great chance for you to preview the app before purchasing it.    If your child really struggles in school, I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase the full version.  At only $4.99 for the full version, it’s a huge savings over hiring a tutor!  [Read more…]
