No Place Like Here by Christina June

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In going through my shelves this week, I found two copies of No Place Like Here by Christina June. I must have received two copies when I did an Instagram post earlier this summer. This isn’t a scary book — no tricks, just a treat!

My husband frequently teases me about my tendency to hoard books. He tells me that he’s scared I’ll be buried in a bookalanche someday. Hardy har har.

When I was a kid, I had only a few books but LOVED to read, so I repeatedly reread the same books time and again. I guess hoarding books is my way of making up for lost time! Don’t worry, there are always opportunities to share the bookish love. I take lots of books to work to share with my friends, mail a box of books to my grandmother several times a year, and donate books to Little Library locations. I also trade books on PaperBackSwap sometimes. It may surprise you to know that I don’t keep many books after I read them.

Check this out….


  1. Jeanine Carlson says

    🙁 The link #20 doesn’t do anything.

  2. Sandy Klocinski says

    This looks like THE summer read for teen girls who love a bit of romance. The book they never knew they needed. Sounds like great vacation read

  3. This looks like a great read. Love the cover art too

  4. Marisela Zuniga says

    pretty cover, this sounds great

  5. Peggy Clayton says

    Looks like a good read and I couldn’t get the last link to work! Peggy clayton

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