DONUT mess with my lunch! @bigmouthinc_

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Disclosure: I received free product samples. Opinions shared are mine.

For years I’ve ordered coats online so I could easily pick out my kids on the playground (thanks to Mini Boden for their bright prints). Similarly, my kids like to have distinctive backpacks and lunchboxes. This donut lunch bag from BigMouth Inc. fits the bill!

Sometimes products pictured online look different in real life. This donut lunch tote is spot on! The pink frosting and sprinkles are as vivid in person as they are on the screen.

Fans of The Simpsons might be reminded of Lard Lad giant pink-iced donuts. My son got this one at Universal Studios Orlando. It was bigger than his face!

The donut unzips all the way to the edges so that it lays flat against the table. No more worries about a smashed sandwich with this lunch tote — the walls are hard, and there’s a contoured inner space so that heavy items can be arranged away from soft foods. Pretty smart!

The back of the donut is sprinkle-free. This is the perfect spot to write a name or other identifying information. But really, will you need it? Everyone will know who this donut belongs to!

Image credit: BigMouth Inc.

Check this out….


  1. Such cute donut items the kids and adults will love them. Especially the Simpons fans

  2. I like their lil’ pools!
    Edye recently posted…Peace & Pages Unboxing! {Oct. 19′} +GIVEAWAY!My Profile

  3. My family has several Big Mouth floats including the donut and they are very high quality and great fun.

  4. Their Camo Toilet Paper is hysterical!

  5. They have lots of funny and cute items. I also like their Donuts Ear Muffs.

  6. The Donut ? lunch ? tote is adorable and it looks cleverly delicious ?

  7. Amber Kolb says

    OMG I love this so much!! Lunch would never be boring again. I love that it’s EVA-insulated and has a wide opening for easier use.

  8. Darlene Carbajal says

    The tiny hands are funny haha.

  9. LeAnn Harbert says

    My granddaughter would love this and I need the Corgi butt bottle opener.

  10. Jeanna Massman says

    My grandson would love this. I like that it has a wide opening, making it easier to pack.

  11. Megan Parsons says


  12. I like the Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup Can Safe

  13. Mary Gardner says

    This is such a cute lunch tote! My granddaughters would love packing their lunch in this.

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