Win or Lose, I Love You book review

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Disclosure:  I am a Tommy Mommy book blogger. Opinions shared are mine; post and giveaway form may contain affiliate links.

Win or Lose, I Love You book review and giveaway -

Each month, I look forward to reading a few new Tommy Mommy books from Tommy Nelson. It’s downright spooky  how they always seem to send us just the right titles to fit what we’re going through that month!  The book Win or Lose, I Love You is an endearing look at competition. Whether it’s sibling rivalry, peer pressure for grades, or good sportsmanship, it’s important to teach our kids the right way to handle competition. 

Win or Lose, I Love You features a costume contest.  Sounds pretty innocent and perfect for Halloween, right?  When tempers flare and feelings get hurt, it’s not all that fun anymore.  Children will relate to the disappointment that comes with losing, and will take to heart the peacemaking that comes with being friends again.

Personally, I feel that our society has made competition into an entirely frustrating experience.  Children are taught that equality means that everyone is special, and that’s true. However, it’s NOT realistic to expect that everyone has equal talent and gifts. Otherwise, none of us would be special…and that takes the “special” right out of the equation. When children grow up thinking that it’s normal to give everyone an award, or that it’s bad to single someone out when they exceed expectations, we’re teaching our children to stop reaching for the stars.   Instead, I want my children to learn that they may not always win, but it’s great to TRY.

Would you like to win a copy of Win or Lose, I Love You? Enter on the giveaway form below. The giveaway is open to US readers, ages 18+. Void where prohibited by law.  Good luck — and remember, not everyone will win, but it’s still fun to try!!



Check this out….


  1. Looks like a very sweet book, and props for acknowledging that you can’t win ’em all.

  2. The illustrations in this book are charming.

  3. I absolutely love the illustrations, they are so well done!

  4. Fee Roberts says

    I agree 100%. When my nephew started school, he brought home a trophy. I asked him what he did to win a trophy, and he said, “Nothing. Everybody got one.” I was flabbergasted. I had never heard of such a thing. It is truly sad.

  5. Natalie Brown says

    I absolutely love the theme of this book and the illustrations are quite charming. My grandson would love it! Thank-you. 🙂

  6. This looks like such a cute book. Would love to win this for my sweet niece. She loves reading. 🙂

  7. Diane Elizabeth says

    This would be a great book for my granddaughter. She’s five and currently in preschool. I think it’s important for kids to learn how to be gracious in winning and losing.

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