Thrifty Thursday in the Tricities: Renting a breastpump

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Okay, are you ready to get personal with TMI?   I’ll give you a second to decide.

Not backing out, eh?  So here’s the deal.  When my son was born, I wanted to breastfeed.  The problem was, I was unable to nurse my daughter with success.  Here’s the story with her.  She was a preemie and didn’t have very good latching strength.  I also didn’t produce enough satisfying milk, and she couldn’t suck hard enough to get the hindmilk. A friend gave me a used double breast pump (Medela) that to try to get my milk to come in better.  It was about as effective as putting two straws on the ends of  my boobies.  Nothing, absolutely nothing, was going to get pumped with that thing.  The thing was, I thought it was ME.  I felt like such a failure.  After trying for one month and having MANY days of her screaming endlessly because she didn’t have enough milk, the lactation consultant we were working with told me to stop breastfeeding and give her formula.   To this day, I still harbor guilt and a little shame over it and wish that I had been able to provide for her the way I wanted to.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s bad to give your baby formula.  I just wanted to breastfeed and couldn’t.  It was very sad for me.

When my son was born five years later, herbs helped improve my milk production.  I had tried a few herbs the first time around (fenugreek, anyone?)  but this time my ever-so-wise mother in law  suggested Blessed Thistle and Marshmallow capsules. My milk was definitely richer.  In fact, I stopped taking them for one day and within hours my milk was gone.  Luckily when I resumed the herbs that night, the milk production kicked back in.   When it was time to head back to work, it was going to be necessary to pump to continue breastfeeding.   This time around, we rented a hospital-grade pump from our local natural food store, Mac’s Medicine Mart.  They were willing to rent by the month or on a long-term basis. I started out one month at a time, because I didn’t know how long breastfeeding my son would last.   Miracle of miracles, I was able to pump full bottles to store for my son!   You just don’t know how much pride I took in that — every drop was liquid gold to me.   I was able to nourish that baby even when I was away at work, and I’m ever so grateful for that experience.

Because it was a hospital-grade machine, the pump from Mac’s was sterilized and safe to use.  I didn’t realize that using my own tubing wasn’t enough to keep the hand-me-down pump safe from body fluids.  Also, breastfeeding meant that my son didn’t experience the constipation and other digestive issues that my daughter struggled with due to formula.  Plus it was a LOT cheaper to breastfeed instead of buying formula!!   My pump rental fee ended up being less than $20 per month, which more than paid for itself in the amount of money we saved without using formula.   It was also a lot cheaper than buying my own pump.   I would really recommend this option to any mom who isn’t sure that she can commit to breastfeeding and doesn’t want to invest $300 in a pump only to find that she’s not going to breastfeed.

If you are looking for an alternative to buying a pump, consider renting a hospital-grade pump from a medical supply store.  Your insurance might even cover it, which is worth checking into!  If you live in the tricities area, give Mac’s a call to see if they have a pump available for rent.  You can contact them at (423) 245-2181 or  Better yet, head over there and ask for their advice.  The staff is so friendly and helpful — they’ll be glad to work with you.   Tell them Savings in Seconds sent you!


I received no compensation for this post.  The opinions and experiences shared are 100% mine.

Check this out….


  1. I never had a hard time breastfeeding…I had quite a lot to share which made it painful sometimes. I contemplated renting a breastpump but before I did so I borrowed one from my sister-in-law…long story short, the pump did nothing for me. But not because it didn’t work for me means that it won’t work for other, right?!

    Renting a breastpump is a great alternative to buying your own!

  2. Motherhood on the Rocks says

    I rented a pump when my daughter was born. It worked really well!

  3. Mallery Schuplin says

    What a great post! I don’t think people realize there are more options out there when it comes to breast pumps!
    Mallery Schuplin recently posted…Horrible Housewife Blogging Statistics & Top Posts for 2012My Profile

  4. A breast pump came in so handy for me. I never knew you could rent them.
    Angela recently posted…Reducing Holiday Stress in DogsMy Profile

  5. I had problems breastfeeding and exclusively pumped with both my girls. The first time I bought a pump, but it didn’t work very well (and in a weird twist, I was allergic to it), so the second time around we rented a hospital pump. It was the best thing we did. I didn’t have the portability that I had with my first pump, but it did a much better job getting milk.

    Tell me more about these Marshmallow capsules though – I used Fenugreek (which did nothing) and Blessed Thistle (which makes a huge difference), but have never heard about Marshmallow capsules.

    • Savingsinseconds says

      I ordered my Marshmallow capsules from Nature’s Sunshine. My mother in law is a distributor so she ordered it for me. You could probably go to their website and find a distributor in your area. I think its purpose is to make the milk richer, and the blessed thistle was to increase production. I do know that taking both of them made a huge difference for me.

  6. Kristin Wheeler (Mama Luvs Books) says

    I used both electric and a hand pump with my kids!! Sometimes one was easier than the other depending on where I was.
    Kristin Wheeler (Mama Luvs Books) recently posted…Hello Kitty Just Turned 38! Let’s Celebrate!!!My Profile

  7. I considered renting a pump with my first son but ended up buying a Medela Swing on sale. I only pump occasionally so renting long term would not have been logical for me. Great to know that renting a pump does work well.

  8. I hadn’t heard of renting a pump until my second daughter, and by then I had bought one. I love that most hospitals and baby stores will let you rent now.

  9. I totally love owning a breast pump, but I always tell my new mama friends to look into renting, especially if they are new to breastfeeding, unsure about pumps, etc.

  10. I rented a breast pump which I then went on to buy! It was great! I bought it right at the hospital!

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