Only a few days left in February to recognize Pet Dental Health Month

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February is Pet Dental Health Month -

Disclosure: I received product samples; the opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Today my students brought my attention the fact that I’d written the wrong date on the board. Instead of posting February 24 as today’s date, I wrote February 23.  Where did the month go, anyway?!   It seems we spent most of the month holed up in the house trying to avoid the snow-covered roads. had a fun way to celebrate Pet Dental Health Month.  If you haven’t checked on your pet’s teeth yet, read the infographic below to find out why it’s something you should do today!!

12 Crucial Facts About Your Canine - #ad for -

Since I’m probably not going to brushing my dog’s teeth anytime soon (she extremely hates it) we’ve been giving her some dental dog treats from to gnaw on.  We received an assortment of chews ranging from the standard, to thick, to crown-shaped bully sticks.  Take my recommendation and splurge on the odor free!!  If not, send your dog outside to enjoy her odorific treats.  My dog went to town on these treats as soon as they came her way.  Her favorite was the Jumbo Odor Free treat.  These are so affordable and it was really long-lasting; I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase these for her on a regular basis.
If you have a furry little guy at home, consider grabbing a few of these treats and helping your dog enjoy dental health for years to come!

Check this out….


  1. so many people ignore dog’s dental health until it causes more diseases and disorders that cost thousands to take care of.

  2. Thanks for sharing. I love my pets and want to take care of them!!!

  3. Such good tips. We forget about our dog’s dental health but it is so important!

  4. Sherry Compton says

    Just like teeth and dental health are important to us they are to pets, too. Our little doggie is having a tooth pulled at the end of the week, but we want to do it now before it affects other things. Teeth matter. It’s Pet Day so make sure to care for you pet baby, too.

  5. Great infographic!

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