Do your kids know their logos?

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Do your kids know their logos?
My daughter recently asked me to load a new app on her iPad. It’s a logos quiz game; the screen displays a logo with the brand name marked out, then you get a few seconds to answer which brand it is. She’s impressively good at it! I was able to get a few of the questions correct but she really knows her logos. Which led me to wonder how she knows them so well.

When I was younger, our family rarely had enough money to buy the “cool clothes.” If we were able to get the brand name, it would be the “big” birthday or Christmas gift. I distinctly remember my mom taking me to buy me a pair of Guess jeans — the ones with the little triangle on the back pocket. I wore those jeans year after year, treasuring them as one might hold close a family heirloom. I also had one Coke t-shirt that wasn’t the cool one-stripe rugby but it had the Coca-Cola logo on the front, which was enough for me. Most of the pictures of my early high school years show me wearing that prized outfit. My kids are completely the opposite. They don’t care about brand names and it’s a good thing. We are financially able to buy them the Under Armour, Aeropostale, or whatever the cool brands are now, but I’m glad my kids don’t demand or expect those brands.

As we travel out of town, my kids always look for familiar brands as we search for an exit with restaurants we like.  Even my son who can’t read yet knows if it’s Chick Fil A, McDonalds, or some other favorite because he knows the logos.  Some of this is from television, since everything from medication to bottled water is advertised til our eyes fall out.  This alone makes me want to take a break from the branded world.  Kind of like Hilton Head avoids putting flagrant signs out along the roadside, I’d like to walk through a store without being bombarded with brands and logos.  Of course, I am a bit of a brand name snob when it comes to certain things (shampoo, toilet paper, and soda come to mind.)  On the other hand, maybe I’m the one who flaunts these logos around the house.  Something to consider!

Check this out….


  1. Jenna Wood says

    We have a logo board game that Sabrina (11) loves to play but struggles with 50% of the logos. I’m somewhat relieved she isn’t so brand aware yet!

  2. I think that they are put in front of kids so much these days; everything is name brand this and designer that. Not that it was much different I suppose in my day. But Product Placement wasn’t as big a phenomenon.

  3. Gigi - My Fab Fit Forties says

    I remember growing up and recognizing some logos….Adidas, Nike, McDoanalds (I have a feeling an Aboriginal Tribe would recognize those golden arches!)….but I think nowadays, there’s just so much advertising ….and most of the commercials (even for cars) are geared toward kids!!

  4. Sherry Compton says

    What a fun app! My daughter’s friend recently brought over the Logos board game, and we had fun playing it. My kids treated brand names differently. My son had a couple brands that he wanted. He didn’t mind only getting one pair of shoes every year or two as long as they were Nikes. My daughter wanted more pairs but didn’t care about brands. She was always looking at prices and wanting cheap not caring about the name.

  5. YES the logos both my kids knew when since they were very little were McDonald’s and Dunkin Donuts, we went there a lot!

  6. There is an app about logos. My kids, and their cousins know a ton of them. You know a brand has done a good job when even an 8 year old knows their logo.

  7. katherine says

    That sounds like a fun app!


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    Do your kids know their logos?

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    Do your kids know their logos?


    Do your kids know their logos?

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    Do your kids know their logos?

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