Jesus Talked to Me Today by James Stuart Bell book review

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Jesus Talked to Me Today

I received a copy of Jesus Talked to Me Today to review. This post contains affiliate links.  Of course, these opinions are mine!

If you’ve ever been around children, you’ve probably realized how their minds and hearts are open to truth.  They’re without guile, and seem to see right into the heart of adults.  That can be a bit unnerving if you’re not used to it!  I’ve been blessed to have two sweet children of my own, and the way they look at the world has affected my sight as well.  I am more willing to open my mind and heart to truths beyond what I can see with my eyes.  When I opened Jesus Talked to Me Today, I was interested to find stories about children who encountered angels and Jesus. 

The book contains about 40 personal memories shared by those who experienced a “God wink” as my friend Leslie would say. Some might consider these to be coincidence or the power of suggestion, and few of the stories are compelling evidence of God’s miracles. Unfortunately, the book fell short of my expectations. I am definitely open to the idea that children can see angels, and that we can receive messages (even warnings) from God. I have felt the need to pray for specific people, or the pull to follow a certain path. God has spoken to my heart, and it’s definitely possible that children can hear this voice more clearly than adults. However, these stories were typically vague and lacked closure. I often felt that the experience was described in a weak, lackluster manner that didn’t really convince me of a true Jesus encounter. Some of the stories held me captive, though. I especially loved the vivid descriptions of angels, and of Jesus enjoying his time with children.

Jesus Talked to Me Today might be an encouraging read for someone entering the ministry who needs a vast supply of stories and scenarios to use in sermons. Otherwise, this is a book I’d pass on.

Check this out….


  1. Christina Sparks says

    I think I would really enjoy reading this book.

  2. Dana Matthews says

    I think I’d like to read this. I understand children can stretch their thoughts. Not saying I’d dismiss these accounts, but would be sweet thoughts to read over.

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