Hot flashes and a snail’s metabolism

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Disclosure: I received this item to review. The opinion shared here is 100% mine.

When I was a kid, I thought I’d never get to be age 16. Driving seemed like a privilege granted only to royalty. Once I hit that age, it seemed I’d never be old enough to be considered an “adult.” Even after college graduation, there were times that my life felt very surreal. I didn’t feel old enough to have a real job; it seemed strange that people entrusted me with a classroom of my own or that I had a house that was paid by my own earnings. Now at age 38, I wonder where that girl went. Those years just flew by. After all, I’ve now been driving for 22 years! While I can forget most of time’s changes as long as I don’t look in the mirror, one thing that’s changed is my sweat.

Back in my younger years, I never really broke a sweat. Sure, if it was aerobics night there might be a little sheen on my skin, but I just never was the person who had sweat dripping on my face. It seems like my body’s chemistry has started changing, though, and one are that is obvious is in my sweat glands. It’s not a pretty topic of discussion, but it needs to be said — it pretty much sucks that my metabolism is at a stand-still while my body temperature is on the rise. That’s why I didn’t expect a crystal deodorant to work for me. I’ve always been curious about those, so when it arrived for review I examined it closely. Does crystal deodorant really work? tries it out.
The crystal is about the size of my palm, large and diamond-shaped. It was pretty easy to hold. The directions said to moisten it before applying it to my skin. That seems a bit counter-productive, since the purpose of applying the crystal is to prevent wetness, right? Hot flashes and a snail’s metabolism made me skeptical.  I was a bit too nervous to use it on a workday.  I tried it on a weekend and was pleasantly surprised to see that I didn’t miss my old deodorant.  It did bother me to moisten it though, which made me feel kind of sticky even though it was applied straight after my shower.  It didn’t seem to stop me from sweating; it did, however, seem to neutralize some of my odor.  That’s always a good thing.  My daughter was very interested in using it as well. I liked the idea of her using that instead of a traditional antiperspirant since she’s young and sensitive to chemicals.  The crystal deodorant is 100% natural.  She uses the crystal every once in a while and I haven’t noticed any kind of odor with or without the deodorant.  Then again, I make her take a shower at least once a day (sometimes twice) so it’s really just a precaution.   It seems like it works fine for her, though, and it’s good to help her build those hygienic habits while she’s young.

Would I use a crystal deodorant again? I probably would continue using a crystal if I could tell that it was as effective as the regular type. It’s my fault for being too nervous about my personal stink. At this point in my life, though, I think I need something a bit more effective to prevent that underarm wetness.

Check this out….


  1. Sherry Compton says

    I like the idea of a natural deodorant, but I don’t know that it would be for me. I get hot flashes and sweat quite a bit. I wouldn’t like that this doesn’t help avoid the sweating. I was very interested in your honest review and appreciate your opinion. I was thinking about buying something like this, but I just can’t make up my mind. Good idea trying it on a weekend though when you can test it without being at work.

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