The Ghost Files by Apryl Baker #paranormal #free #ebook

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Disclosure: This post contains Amazon affiliate links and my opinions.

So, it’s kind of funny when I see a book in the library and think, “Huh, I’ve never heard of that one.”  Check it out, come home and read it, then go to Amazon to leave a review and……oh, I own it on my Kindle.  Oops.  Must have snagged it back in 2013 when it was a freebie (hey, it still is — in case you want it!)  I really like ghost/paranormal books so I breezed right through this one.

Upon reading the first couple of chapters, I wasn’t sure if I’d finish this one.  It could use a more polished writing style and better editing, to be sure.  Actually, the story was fairly interesting.  It had a cool Supernatural-ish feel, so much that I expected a Dean and Sam appearance at some point.

The story is written in first-person from Mattie’s perspective.  She’s a teenage foster child who can see ghosts.  You find that out within the first few pages, so don’t worry – not a big spoiler.  For me, the larger problems in the story lie in Mattie’s over-the-top description of her appearance, cute boys, and powers.  For example, of course she’s super hot and every boy falls in love with her.  There wasn’t enough average-ness, if you know what I mean, so the story didn’t feel authentic.

Still, I finished The Ghost Files volume 1 and plan to read the next one.  I feel invested in the characters now, and I want to find out what happens with Mattie.   It was an easy read and there seem to be several titles in the series, so it might keep me busy for a couple of days!

Do you like paranormal stories? 

Check this out….


  1. Jana Leah says

    I love a good ghost story. This one sounds good.

  2. Oooooh, it sounds intriguing! But I have to admit that I’m a total weenie when it comes to ghost stories. My imagination runs away with me and then I can’t sleep at night, so I probably won’t read this, but it sounds good!

  3. Calvin F. says

    That’s one spooky cover.

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