BB5 September Unboxing #BeautyBox5 #bb5fave

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Disclosure: I am a BB5 blogger and received this box to review. Post contains affiliate links; opinions shared are mine.

People, you cannot imagine my glee when I opened this month’s Beauty Box 5. It is truly the BEST beauty box I have EVER received.  Typically I feature just one or two favorite products, but this month was a huge jackpot. I cannot choose just ONE!  (Did I use enough capital letters for you?  REALLY.)

#BeautyBox5 September box - featured on

No joke.  Just hours before this gold mine arrived in my mailbox,  I helped my daughter brush all the snarls out of her dripping-wet hair.  With clenched teeth, I declared that we needed to buy one of those microfiber hair towels.  We had a couple of them at some point, but they were, apparently, casualties of our move.

Lo and behold, look what was in the September Beauty Box 5!

#BeautyBox5 #HappyBrands hair turban - featured on

The Happy Hair Turban has a handy little loop at the top so your wet hair bundle will stay off your neck. This is perfect for the few minutes in between dressing and putting on your makeup.   My daughter used it this morning and it streamlined the process of getting out the door.  Typically she walks around with her t-shirt back all wet, but the turban kept her clothes dry while also reducing her frizz.   This thing retails for $18 — totally worth it, and even better when it came in a Beauty Box that costs just $12 per month. Instant savings!

#BeautyBox5 #Bestbombshellcosmetics featured on

It’s always fun to find a new favorite in a subscription box, isn’t it?  I’m definitely purchasing a full-size container of the Smooth Criminal HD Finishing Powder from Bombshell.  My oily skin needs extra attention to keep the shine at bay.  The finishing powder in this little pot is translucent, making it perfect for evening out my complexion and providing some matte happiness.  A little goes a LONG way (there I go with the capitals again).  I just dip a little onto a brush, tap off the excess, and brush around my T-zone.  It’s amazing and such a bargain at just $7 retail.  I looked on the BB5 site for it and couldn’t find it……I’ll be checking back!  This needs to be in my makeup bag.

The next big win from the box — these Simple cleansing facial wipes. This is actually the brand I use on a regular basis. It’s often on some type of sale at local stores. Beauty Box 5 sent a manufacturer’s coupon so that can be used on top of a store sale.  Score!   These gentle wipes are hands down my favorite. They get even my toughest makeup off, and I never have a reaction to them.  I keep a supply on hand at all times.  Loving this sample size which is ideal for travel.

#BeautyBox5 #MakeUp4Makeup Simple cleansing wipes featured on

The two other products from the box were the Go Smile teeth whitening gel.  This convenient gel is a big time saver.  Just add it to your toothpaste — right on your toothbrush — and brush for 2 minutes.  Because you mentally recite the ABC’s twice every time you brush, right?  Evidently, this brightening gel should give you a whiter smile in a few days.  I’m still testing it out; loving the fact that it adds no time to my makeup routine. The fact that there are no gummy strips to apply really makes me smile.

I didn’t try the Pur-lisse moisturizer, only because I’m afraid to try it.  This is not a good time for me to have an allergic reaction, which sometimes happens when I try new lotion-type products.  I’ll share this with my mother in law. I know she’ll appreciate it!

So, what do you think?  Is there anything in this month’s Beauty Box 5 you’d like to try? 


Thanks to BeautyBox5 for sending me this box!


Check this out….


  1. I can always use facial cleansing wipes – even better when they’re on sale AND you have a coupon (I like CAPS, too!) lol

  2. Renee Rousseau says

    I love Simple products and the wipes are always packed in my travel bag!

  3. rochelle haynes says

    This is a nice box of goodies that i could use

  4. I would like to try the teeth brightener – I’ve never seen one you can add to your toothpaste.

  5. Sherri Lewis says

    I love the Simple Wipes… I use them daily

  6. What a cute little Hair Turban. That could really come in handy. I love those Simple cleansing facial wipes!! It would be nice to have this beauty box.

  7. Nancy Burgess says

    Very nice box of products. I could use this.

  8. Tamra Phelps says

    It looks like a nice box. I’d like to try the teeth whitening gel or the Simple face wipes, for sure.

  9. That towel would be good to have after swimming.

  10. Renee Rousseau says

    My sister bought me a Happy Hair Turban and at first I was skeptical, now I need to buy 2 more, one in my suitcase for travel and a backup for when my original is in the wash. Happy Hair Turban makes me Happy!!!

  11. ellen beck says

    Love the beauty box. It looks fun, ad has many useful items!!! The wipes would be great!

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